Tag: Healthy Food

Have you counted how many Starbucks drinks you’ve had lately?

Living a healthful, happy and disease-free quality of life requires a balanced understanding of food choices.  During our nutritional consultations with our personal training and life time fitness coaching clients in Napa, a common deterrent to achieving weight loss goals is the amount of excess sugar present in their daily food intake.  One of the …

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Exercise as Medicine to Cure and Prevent Diabetes

Adult onset Diabetes is a common occurrence impeding society’s health due to the consumption of sugary foods and decreased physical activity.  High glycemic index foods such as breads, crackers and “on-the-go” breakfast bars contribute to the insulin spiking effects that can develop into Diabetes.  Lack of physical activity from sedentary professions and stressful lifestyles cause …

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Cooking at Home: Get out of the Drive Through Rat Race

Today’s general population struggles with obtaining healthy foods from the store to prepare in the comfort of their own homes.  A common problem that we hear from our personal training clients in Napa is that healthy food is expensive and going to the store is drag.  People are too busy to make a trip to …

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Longevity in Life Time Fitness: Ginger and Garlic

In a world full of food that is premade, processed, frozen and put in a box that we purchase at grocery stores with our hard-earned money, it’s challenging to get the nutritional benefits we require.  Even at stores promoting healthier food choices, such as Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, the majority of the aisles contain …

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Clarification of Carbs and Protein: What they do and Portion Size

One of the leading causes of weight gain and metabolic disease is the misconception  of understanding what proper foods are made up of and how consuming them affect the functions of the human body. Some examples include overeating, consuming too many carbohydrates that effect insulin resistance, and making detrimental food decisions by choosing poor sources …

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Losing Weight by Limiting Over Eating, EAT MORE…Salads

The issue of how to lose weight properly can be handled in many ways. One such technique that is commonly understood to lose weight is to eat less food.  Not only is managing the amount of food that you consume very useful, but choosing the type of calories that you put into your body affects …

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Weight Loss: When Should I eat My Carbs?

A very common question that we receive from our Personal Training clients in Napa has to do has to do with what are the best times to consume your carbohydrates?  In this article, we’ll explore some commonly asked questions about when and why to eat carbohydrates to create the best lean muscle building and fat …

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Alcohol Free Days, AKA “AFD’s”

Everyone wants to go out for a drink with their friends every now and then. It’s always nice to celebrate the end of a long work week with a tasty alcoholic beverage such as the one of the finest glasses of wine from the Napa Valley, a delicious craft IPA, or an awesome cocktail from …

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Seasonal Veggies! Use the Seasons to Add Variety to your Life!

A great way to stay healthy and include variety into your healthy meal prep. is to notice the vegetables that are in season. Usually, the vegetables that are in season are on sale out at the supermarket. You can find very innovative ways to add variety into your nutritional Habits by looking at the vegetables …

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The Art of Omelet Making

Sometimes making your own breakfast can be a bear.  It could be challenging to think about what some of the right items to eat would be.  However, if you enjoy eggs and fresh vegetables, then this is a great post for you to read. You don’t need many items to create a healthy omelet. In …

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