Exercise before the day begins!

The to do list of daily chores and errands is ever evolving in our roles as responsible human beings.   Progressing in life as partners in relationships, parents, throughout careers, or when we retire, we undoubtedly get busier.  With time invested into these obligations, the and energy we invest in ourselves to be a good worker, parent, or retiree can fizzle.  40 hour per week jobs require face to face interactions, phone calls, desk work, or commutes.  Combine that with some ill-advised food decisions on the run, the lack luster results of sedentary activity and poor diet puts our bodies through the ringer.  Chauffeuring kids to school and extracurricular activities take away some much-needed opportunities for exercise.  Even in the retired population house projects, spending time with grandchildren, and errands can engulf an individual’s time to where there is no time to focus on refining the body, adding to the effects of aging.  Achievement driven individuals’ days grow long, and the hours of obligation fill up leaving little time to focus on health and fitness.  There are only so many hours in the day.  However, ensuring to get some much-needed exercise in early part of the day is a powerful technique to supercharge your day and positively contribute to life time fitness.

Accomplishing exercise early in the day benefits the human body mentally, emotionally, and physically.  Hormones such as adrenaline and dopamine are released in the body from exercise which can increase mental acuity, alertness, and serve as a natural energy booster.  Physiologically, exercising earlier in the day will increase the amount of oxygen absorbed by skeletal muscles, allowing the muscles worked by exercise to utilize fat as a fuel source more efficiently throughout the day.  Regular exercise improves strength and endurance, helping the body to be injury free and hold up to the stressful demands of the day.

Moving up in a career, managers and supervisors are likely to commend a person who takes care of their body and mind.  Why would a boss desire someone to represent their team or business with health risks?  As parents, it pays to be healthy, strong, and mentally fresh to be a good role model for our kids.  The retired community needs endurance, strength and the reduction of chronic pain to keep up the with activities and hobbies.

Achieving a workout early in the morning also decreases the likelihood of procrastination from exercise.  Accomplishing a bout of exercise earlier is a significant attribute having a good day before our busy lives take the day away from us.

We teach our personal training clients in Napa to adhere to a simple exercise routine before the demands of the day occur.  A brisk paced walk, aerobics class, or a home-based resistance training routine consisting of 10-20 minutes is enough to support exercise needs before the day starts.

An example of a short and effective exercise routine that can be performed in the comfort of your own home that we prescribe to our personal training clients in Napa might look like this:

  1. Start with a simple dynamic stretching routine
  2. Perform 3 sets of 10 body weight squat repetitions
  3. Lay down flat on your back on the ground and perform 3 sets of 10 hip bridges
  4. Turn over to where you are face down and perform 3 sets of 10 push ups (from knees if needed)
  5. Finish off with 30 seconds of elbow planks

That doesn’t seem like it would take too long.  However, a routine this simple will elicit positive adaptations of exercise that contribute to a strong, happy and alert body if done before the hustle of life envelops us.  We all have 24 hours in our day.  How we spend it is the determining factor of if we can get the most of it or not.  One thing is for sure, if you exercise early in the day before life takes you away, you will be fine tuning your performance as a parent, worker, and retiree.

Sean McCawley, the founder and owner of Napa Tenacious Fitness in Napa, CA, welcomes questions and comments. Reach him at 707-287-2727, napatenacious@gmail.com or visit the website napatenaciousfitness.com.
