Hot Summers and Hydration

As I drive north bound up Highway 29, I always take a deep breath and notice how nice I have it.  Vineyards lace the countryside with a gradient of vibrant green and umber rows of grape vines.  The eastern hills offer majestic rocky formations below the tip of the Stag’s Leap hiking trail.  To the west, the redwood tree groves bask in the glory of the untamable power they represent, covering the hillside with an iconic green color.  The Napa Valley truly is a beautiful place.  As one of the inhabitants who call this fantastic pearl of the Earth home, I know the summertime can get scorching hot.  A diligent habit of daily hydration is necessary to help Napa’s inhabitants in this one-of-a-kind paradise be productive and enjoy their overall quality of life while enduring warmer climates during the summer months.

It should come as no surprise adequate hydration optimizes human function.  Sufficient hydration levels maintain proficient blood viscosity, which promotes efficient blood distribution throughout the vascular system encouraging the delivery of oxygenated blood to our muscles, vital organs, and brain.  The amount of water in our blood also aids in the conductivity of our nerve cells when our brain sends electronic signal through our nerves to our muscles, assisting in coordination and balance.  The digestive system functions efficiently when proficient levels of hydration are present in the gastrointestinal tract, helping foods travel through the intestines and encouraging nutrient absorption in the different areas of the digestive system.

It’s easy to forget about the positive impacts optimal hydration offers our bodies, especially when a random heatwave presents itself to our area with short notice.  Our everyday habits of hydration at the moderate temperatures we are accustomed to become insufficient when the temperature increases rapidly.  Therefore, the threat of hydration becomes present even though our regular water consumption habits might seem proficient before an immediate heat spike.  Little do we know, the additional sweating we produce on hotter days equates to an immediate reduction in overall water composition in our bodies.  The compounding effects of increased perspiration throughout two to three days of high heat could influence the loss of three percent or more body weight in water each day.  With this rapid loss in water weight, the features our body thrives on during moderate temperatures deviate from their normal status, triggering a decrease in neuromuscular coordination, increased fatigue, headaches, muscle cramping, and possible gastrointestinal distress.

To mitigate a few of the side effects of an immediate heatwave, we suggest a few hydration tactics to our personal training clients who benefit not only from hydration habits during the hot summers in Napa, but also in their experiences traveling to other hot areas of the country and the world on vacations or business trips.  Here are a few simple and effective tactics to encourage optimal hydration during a noticeable increase in temperature:

  1. Drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning:  One of the best times to rehydrate and set the tempo for fulfilling adequate water consumption is immediately after waking.  We encourage a mad dash to your water bottle or sink to slam two glasses of water before any other activities in the morning directly after getting out of bed.
  2. Drink a full glass of water after every meal: Distractions and everyday life demands deviate us from our priorities.  During the blazing hot days when hydration is at risk, a dehydrated body and mind is the last thing we need.  As a reminder to consume more water, follow up your meals with a full glass of water before leaving the table and resuming your everyday daily life.  An extra glass of water here and there will increase the amount of water consumed when additional hydration is required.
  3. Eat raw veggies: That’s right, we get a lot of water from the foods we consume.  Along with the disease-fighting properties and countless benefits our body receives from including veggies in our diet, we absorb a high amount of liquid when eating raw carrots, cucumber, and lettuce.  Eat some salads and enjoy some cold, fresh, and crispy raw veggies as a snack during these hot summer days.

Professional nutrition industries and researchers suggest drinking water equal to the body’s weight in ounces throughout the day to accommodate proper hydration.  Society has taken a firm understanding of similar hydration suggestions, leading us to become a healthier culture.  Let’s not forget that an immediate heat wave can disrupt our usual habits of optimal hydration.  When the heat makes its way to our lives, ensure to tack another few glasses of water throughout your day to counteract the suboptimal effects on our hydration status during these beautiful Napa summers.

Sean McCawley, the founder and owner of Napa Tenacious Fitness in Napa, CA, welcomes questions and comments. Reach him at 707-287-2727,, or visit the website
