A Reminder for Sunny Day Physical Activities

Following the winter solstice a few months ago, we have the privilege to look forward to our longer hours of daylight.  We get to experience the sun illuminating the ground sooner in the day and observe the sunset descends below the horizon later in the evening.  Daylight savings time is a few days away.  The brighter days influence our minds and bodies to interact at a higher rate in our everyday activities.  Similar to the California golden poppy when It sees the sun, we open up and take in the sun just like how poppies unveil their orange petals to the early March sunshine.  More sun in the sky usually equals getting more things accomplished.  The better lit conditions offer us an opportunity to get outside to accomplish projects, participate in recreational sports, and peruse some of the amazing hiking trails in the Napa Valley.

Sunnier mornings mean we can take advantage of some early morning walks.  The thirty-degree mornings are soon to be behind us, presenting us an opportunity to get a walk around the block before 8 AM.  The ability to see the sky and the hills surrounding our valley along with the chirps of songbirds stimulates our minds.  Not only will a walk get our bodies upright and moving before a day full of tasks, but this also might be precisely what the doctor ordered to de-stress and unwind from additional stressors in our lives.  A morning walk in celebration of the longer, brighter days serves as a perfect catalyst to approach the rest of the day with a sharp and clear mind.

Photosynthesis is going to be a popular trend to be a part of if you were a wildflower this upcoming season.  The various hiking trails in Napa are home to a multitude of wildflowers showcasing their vibrant colors as the sun offers them warmth and light.  The poppies, mustards, and blue bonnets grow rampant on the perimeter of Napa Valley’s hiking trails.  Hiking is a productive activity for the body’s cardiovascular and muscular system.  Inclined walking increases heartrates responses while decreasing the likelihood of injury.  If jogging isn’t in the cards for you, hiking is an optimal alternative as the demand to walk up hill decease percussive forces on joints while still productively stressing the cardiovascular system and muscles of the lower extremities.  Take advantage of the well-lit mornings and avoid the masses of people during peak times by embracing a sunrise hike along the wildflowers.

The days just past the mark of daylight savings time are an opportunistic time to engage in recreational physical activity.  Playing catch with your kids, throwing a frisbee with your friends, or learning about how fun and healthy endless hours of Pickleball is ripe for the picking in this phenomenal Napa spring climate.  The best part of participating in regular physical activity is that we do activities we don’t normally engage in.  Sometimes, we go years without throwing a ball, swinging a racket, or kicking a soccer ball.  Dynamic movements involved in recreational sports produce movements in the body that engage actions of balance, coordination, and endurance.  Additionally, when playing catch, the stresses of life become a distant whisper because you focus on yourself during this short period away from society.  The cell phones get put away, the televisions turn off, and the banter about the next crisis in society is hushed up as you play around. It’s critical toward our lifetime fitness to regularly participate in a safe and fun recreational physical activity.

The longer lasting sunny days offer us the chance to dive back into outdoor activities.  Once we get involved in a project outside, it’s a challenge to get back inside.   This isn’t a bad problem to have if you’ve been cooped up inside due to the cold, gloomy, dark winter. The inside of your home is easier to get to than the outdoors.  Your sofa, TV, and cell phone will likely still be there when you return from an outdoor activity.  Activity under the sun in Napa is one of the best supplements we can add to our fitness routine.  Take advantage of this beautiful time of year by getting outside and playing around in the daylight to support your mind, body, and soul.

Sean McCawley, the founder and owner of Napa Tenacious Fitness in Napa, CA, welcomes questions and comments. Reach him at 707-287-2727, napatenacious@gmail.com or visit the website napatenaciousfitness.com.
