Don’t Split Hairs when you Have a Forest to go through… Adhere to Physical Activity 3 times per week!

Some important aspects of a life time of happiness, strength and health are:

“Do I exercise at least 3 times per week?

“Am I properly hydrated?”

“Do I get enough sleep throughout the week.”

Sometimes when we see advertisements on different programs that are targeted to decrease weight loss in 30 days, improve your diet in a short amount of time, or entering a 28 day fitness challenge, we see this as an immediate solution to some of the issues that give us weight gain.  We get questions a lot from our Personal Training Clients here in Napa asking if we’ve heard of “The Perfect 30”, the newest 21 day cleanse, or a (insert # of days) (insert promo name) challenge!  I’ve seen the 21 day “Dad Bod Challenge!”

We see challenges like this happening all the time on TV, social media, and “limited time offers” from local organizations quite frequently! When we get done with that 30 day Quick Fix solution, what happens after that? More often than not, nothing.  We don’t continue to refine our wellness and fitness after the small month long challenge is done and a relapse of gaining weight and loss of physical activity is observed once more.  Joy.

These small promotions like  cleanses and “The Perfect 30” are the “splitting hair” activities I am referring to.  Why split hairs for a short amount of time when we have an entire forest in front of us to go through.  If you sit around and split hairs, you’re wasting your time when you could be moving forward and making some real progress toward maintaining a healthy life for the long run.

A better approach would be to focus on the big “forest” of life that is in front of us. This means focusing on the broader, more robust parts of life rather than all the “quick fix” advertisements and promotions.  Focusing on the simple fact of performing challenging physical activities on a weekly basis will give us positive influences to our Life Time Fitness goals.

Some of the things within this Forest of Life Time Fitness, include a weekly exercise routine. Instead of focusing on just 30 days of doing some sort of fitness challenge that requires you to check in 5 days a week at a boot camp class, it might be a better idea to just ensure to exercise 3 times a week on a regular bases for the rest of your life. This could include anything from taking a hike, gardening in the back yard, chopping wood, going to the gym and doing a few of the resistance training machines, or making sure that you walk at least 2 hours a week. Focusing on weekly exercise adherence will give you a life time of impact to your health and wellness. Ensuring that you do some sort of physical activity throughout the week AT LEAST 3 times, will cover a lot of the struggles in the “forest” of weight loss, injury prevention, and ensuring that we are emotionally and physically well.

Even though there may be various other distractions in our life that tell us we are unhealthy in one way or the other, focusing on a big broad topic and adhering to creating solutions for the “forest” will help us positively influence the issues right in front of us. Counteracting the detrimental effects of age, injuries, and weight loss is going to be a lifelong challenge. So, let’s embrace it as a lifelong challenge of going through the forest of Life Time Fitness, and focus on exercising a total of three times per week. Instead of stopping for a while trying split hairs and dabbling with a 30 day “Quick Fix” solution to solve a problem, why not adhere to traveling through the forest of life on a weekly basis and promote adherence to exercise as a serious part of your journey.  There really aren’t any Quick Fix Solutions when it comes to the threat of injuries, illnesses, and weight gain. However, we can absolutely ingrain Life Time Fitness to make sure that we don’t let these threats get the best of us by making sure that we adhere to a weekly exercise routine and perform some strenuous physical activity at least 3 times per week for the entirety of Our Lives.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our approach to creating strong, happy and healthy lives through Personal Training and Life Time Fitness Coaching, feel free to reach out to us at or give us a call at 707-287-2727.
